Join NAHSTA for Free

We help HotShot truckers get on the road to success.

Become a NAHSTA Member Today
Save $300/mo per truck on avg. + weekly line of credit
Save $300/mo per truck, get a weekly line of credit, free mobile app, cash prices at over 9,000+ stations, point-of-sale discounts, and much more!
Custom lease-to-own trailers with no money down
Get a custom-designed trailer with no money down and no credit checks!
FREE ELD + $19/mo with no contracts or hidden fees
Save over $400 vs the industry standard competitors with our free ELD!

What is HotShot trucking?

Hot shot trucking is a type of trucking that carries relatively smaller, time-sensitive loads to accessible locations. Think of a standard, super duty pick-up truck hauling farm equipment or appliances.

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We’ll help simplify the small trucking process so you can focus on what you love — driving!

The Trucking Industry is a highly regulated world of confusing laws and regulations. We founded the NORTH AMERCIAN HOTSHOT TRUCKING ASSOCIATION to help take the guess work out of everyday operations.

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Get instant access for FREE!
You'll get instant access to these amazing benefits when you create your own free account on our website.
MAJOR Fuel Savings + Factoring Program
Members typically save $3,000 - $4,000+ per year, per truck! Accepted at 1,400+ truck stops nationwide!
FREE ELD + $19/mo monitoring
No contract or hidden fees and only $18.99/mo (a savings of over $400 vs the industry standard competitors)
Save 15% on maintenance
Save 15% on truck maintenance at national, name brand shops. Average savings is better than $150 per year!
Save 20% on hotels with truck parking!
Hotels with truck parking at large, national chains. If you get a room just twice per week, you’ll save over $2,000 per year!
Save 50% on annual DOT equipment inspections
Save 50% on required DOT annual equipment inspections. Truck/trailer combo will save $100 per year!
Custom lease-to-own trailers with $0 down!
Choose from 3 custom trailer options with no money down, no credit checks, and in-house financing available!
Exclusive loan programs for working capital + equipment
Get access to exclusive loan programs that will help get your wheels turning in no time!
FREE training programs and CDL starts at just $350!
Save thousands of dollars with our CDL training program through Dispatch 107!
Assistance setting up your small trucking business!
DEEP industry discounts, LLC information, trailer leasing, accounting services, expert assistance, and much more!

Are all of these benefits really free? YES!

Simply sign up here on our website (registration is completely free) and when you’ll get INSTANT access to member-only pages. Access benefits anywhere you go with our mobile-optimized website!

Put your small trucking company on the road to success.

Ready to get onboard? Join now for FREE and you’ll get instant access to all our membership benefits right here on our website! You’ll have an Incredible world of information designed SPECIFICALLY for Hotshot Truckers like you! Why delay? Join today!

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